Games Research and User Experience SIG

The IGDA Games Research and User Experience Special Interest Group (GRUX SIG) supports games user research and games user experience professionals, by building community and sharing information. This website is part of that mission.


What is Games User Research and Experience?

Games User Research and Experience focus on players’ psychology and their behaviour via techniques such as playtesting, analytics, expert analysis, UX design, and others. Game User Researchers and Games User Experience professionals aim to help game developers deliver players the best gaming experience possible.


Interested in a career in Games User Research and/or Experience?

In this section of the website you can find some useful information, such as a list of companies that hire GUR/UX professionals.


Games User Research and Experience Resources

In this section of the website you can find some useful resources if you work in, study, or are interested in games User Research and User Experience. Including the methods wiki, information on our Mendeley library, and related pictures.


#gamesUR US Summit

The #gamesUR US Summit has been held annually alongside GDC in San Fransisco since 2010. In that time it has grown from a handful of researchers, to a gathering of hundreds with multiple presentation streams, posters, workshops, and social events.


#gamesUR EU Summit

The first #gamesUR EU Summit was held in London in July 2015. This summit provided insightful presentations, and excellent networking opportunities for European and International attendees.
