What is the Games Research and User Experience SIG?

The IGDA Games Research and User Experience Special Interest Group (IGDA GRUX SIG) aims to improve games by improving the state of games user research and user experience work. Our main approach to doing this is to facilitate community and information sharing among user researchers and user experience professionals at game companies, consultants, and academia.

Admission into the group is limited to professional game developers, user research and user experience professionals, and those in academia (professors & graduate students) in fields related to games research and/or game development.

The GRUX-SIG is part of the International Games Developer Association.

What is the GRUX-SIG Steering Committee?

The role of the Steering Committee is to decide how the Special Interest Group should focus its energy and resources, and to help find and organize volunteers to take on initiatives that are important to the SIG.

In the past, SC members have managed the summit, curated libraries of GUR resources, and generally helped make the decisions that keep the SIG running.

What is the GRUX-SIG doing this year?

These are the current initiatives of the GRUX-SIG:

  • A Website (… you’re here)
  • An active Discord server with UR/UX/Devs from across industry & academia (details)
  • Running the US Games User Research Summit (details)
  • A Jobs Board  (details)
  • A mentoring programme for juniors and students at the start of their GUR career (details)
  • Reviewing and updating the committee’s charter

Who are the GRUX-SIG Steering Committee?

Current Chair: Jordan Lynn

Current Members:   Nikki Crenshaw, Colin Wheelock, Xan Smith, Lucy Niess, Steve Bromley, and Lanie Dixon

Past Chairs: Hannah Murphy, Celestia Koh, James Berg, Bill Fulton, John Hopson, Ben (Lewis-Evans) Taels, Ian Livingston, and David Tisserand

Past Members: Mike Ambinder, Steve Bromley, Ashley Brown, Heather Desurvire, Lanie Dixon, Anders Drachen, Kevin Keeker, Marina Kobayashi, Audrey Laurent-André, Ben Lile, Sebastian Long, Jordan Lynn, Graham McAllister, David Milam, Lennart Nacke, Janus Rau Sorensen, Kirk Rodgers, Magy Seif El-Nasr, Nicolaas VanMeerten, Elizabeth Zelle, Jennifer Ash, Elise Lemaire, Laura Levy, Emma Varjo, Charles Somerville, Ben Weedon, Jimmy Zhou, John Hopson, Jack Dunne, and Hannah Murphy


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